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For Artists from beginner to advanced who want the essentials needed to create sequential art in the form of Manga, Anime, & traditional Comic Art. Students will be able to draw sequential art from a script, create a story, and be able to use art alone to tell a story. (ages 15 & up) Supplies needed: Pencils, Inking Pens (such as Copic/ Sakura/ Pitt), a sketchpad, & 11’’x 17” storyboards. Instructor: Caleb Mendes. GWH Rm #129N 23/Q2 ACA 1560 100 - Anime Art 101 Starting : 2/11 to 4/11 Saturday 2pm to 5pm Tuition: $75 23/Q2 ACA 1560 101 - Anime Art 102 Starting : 4/15 to 6/10 Saturday 2pm to 5pm Tuition: $75


Have fun learning the basics of archery so you can hit the bull’s-eye every time! Students will participate in target practice using compound and long bows. Students will be taught safety first. They will learn proper stance, the parts of the bow, care & maintenance, proper technique, as well as a brief history of Ar-chery. This class will be indoor for the lecture portion, and outside (weather permitting) for the practical /hands on portion of the class. This class is available for ALL AGES 16 years and up (Under 16 with Parent & Instructor Approval). Class will meet 2 times per week for 2 weeks Tues & Thurs from 6pm to 7:30. This Class and all materials are in Eng-lish. Level II class will be offered in April 2023. Contact CE for more info. Instructor Maigen Pool Tuition :$50 Tues & Thurs 6pm to 7:30pm (2 weeks) 23/Q2 CRPE 3066 100 Starting: 4/4 to 4/16 Tues/ Thurs 6pm to 7:30pm—Classroom in the Sport Center


Do you know how to change the oil in your vehicle? Can you change a flat tire? Do you know how to add blinker fluid? (just kidding). Not everyone knows, and not everyone has someone to show them how. We can help! Students will have classroom and hands on training on how to perform basic maintenance on their vehi-cle Included in this 4 day class will be: HOW TO CHECK THE OIL & COOLANT LEVELS HOW TO CHANGE THE OIL & FILTER HOW TO CHECK THE TIRE PRESSURE HOW TO CHANGE A TIRE HOW TO REPLACE THE WINDSHIELD WIPERS HOW TO CHECK AND CHANGE YOUR AIR FILTER HOW TO CHANGE OUT THE HEADLIGHTS & MORE Classes are Saturdays from 2pm to 3:30pm. Feb 4th to Feb 25th GWH Room 126, Tuition $100 Instructor: Maigen Pool 23/Q3 AUT 1419 100 CAR CARE FOR YOUNG ADULTS


Students will explore ideas using basic ceramic processes. Practice appropriate safety precautions in the studio. Learn basic hand building techniques and the terminology: pinch, soft slab, coil construction. Learn the basic throwing techniques and the terminology: center, well, pull, form Learn to use equipment and properly learn basic glazing techniques. Classes begin Jan 17th Mon / Weds 6:00 to 8:50 pm. Instructor: Daiken Asakawa 23/Q2 ACA 7001 100 Ceramics I Tuition : $367


Students will further explore ideas explored in Ceramics I. Practice appropriate safety precautions in the studio. Learn basic hand building techniques and the terminology: pinch, soft slab, coil construction. Students will have assigned projects to complete with supervision. Classes begin Jan 17th Tues/ Thurs 6:00 to 8:50 pm. Instructor: Daiken Asakawa 23/Q2 ACA 7002 100 Tuition $ 367


A Capella Choir: Studies include fundamental vocal techniques and choral literature representing many styles and composers from all periods of music. Students will enhance their music reading and listening skills and will develop social skills and responsibility through group performance. Admission by audition with acceptance based on musical ability and voice quality. Participation in all performances expected.



Intro to Digital Media

An introductory studio art course that explores the potential of the computer hardware and software medium for their visual con-ceptual and practical uses in the visual arts. The course enables students to explore the creation and manipulation of images with a computer. Course content includes use of digital camera flatbed and film scanners Adobe Photoshop software and printer. Lab fee required.

You will need a manually adjustable digital camera and the appropriate camera card and battery. If you have questions about this please see your instructor. Photography majors are encouraged to own a DSLR or Mirrorless Camera. A tripod is not required but you may find it useful. You will need an external HD to backup and save your work that you will create during the semester.

Sedate Hall 201 Instructor: Steve Goff Tuition: $367

23/Q2 ACA 1515 103 6:00pm – 8:50pm Monday/Wednesday 01/17/2023 – 05/11/2023

Life Drawing

Develops skill in drawing the human figure. Emphasizes handling of gesture, volume, anatomy and proportion using a variety of media. Presents advanced art concepts, techniques, and media essential to the organization and understanding of visual infor-mation. Instructor: D. Sorenson

23/Q2 ACA 1507 100 1/18 TO 5/22 T & TH 12:30pm TO 3:20pm Tuition : $261


Develops the skill to create expressive paintings. Emphasizes use of acrylic paint and proper preparation of canvas and wooden supports. Presents advanced art concepts, techniques, and media essential to the organization and understanding of visual infor-mation. Instructor: D. Sorenson

23/Q2 ACA 1508 100 1/18pm to 5/12 T & TH 9:30 am to 12:20 pm Tuition: $261

Photography I

Instructor: Gwendolyn Davies

This class is a film photography class using a black and white film wet darkroom process. You must own, buy or have use of a man-ual capacity 35mm FILM camera that can swap out lenses. See the information below in the Notes section regarding lenses. A point and shoot camera without the capacity to swap out lenses is not permissible. A cell phone camera is not permissible. A digi-tal camera is not permissible. The department has some older cameras available for checkout, though these are also used for re-placement cameras when students send off their camera to be fixed. Students are responsible for any checkout equipment. The school can provide a film camera for use during this course.

Sedate Hall 202 9:00am – 10:50am Monday/Wednesday 01/17/2023 – 03/09/2023

23/Q2 ACA 1515 101 Tuition : $267

Photography II

Instructor: Gwendolyn Davies

Professional Voice Artist, Kristian Eros, is excited to share his knowledge and passion in Voice Acting to help you develop your own career in this rapidly growing field. And even's virtual!! You can take the class from anywhere. Not sure what a voice actor does? They are the voices you hear on Commercials, Audio Books, Anime movies, Video Games, Informational and instructional videos. Employment Videos, and so much more. If you hear a voice, but do not see a person speaking, that is a voice actor. This fun and informative, interactive virtual course can show you how to get into this field as a fun hobby or a lucra-tive career. Classes are Saturdays from 2pm to 4pm CST. Students will need access to a Zoom connection with a good internet connection. (with Audio/ Video capabilities) Tuition : $75 Level I begins 2/4 to 3/11/2023. 23/Q2 ACA 1550 101 Level II begins 3/25 to 4/29/2023 23/Q2 ACA 1509 102 For more information give us a call at 432-335-6580 or Our Office hours January to May and August to December : 8:00 am to 5:30 PM Mon—Thurs & 8:00 am to 1:oo pm Friday

June & July : Office hours are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Mon– Thurs. Closed Fridays

This is a continuation of skills learned in Photography I. I encourage students to take both as I believe it will provide the most satisfactory experience.


• 4 - 5 rolls of 36 exposure Kodak Tri-X 400 film. Any other kind of film is not permissible as our lab chemistry is set up for Tri-X. (can be bought as needed)

• 1 roll of masking tape

• 1 thin black (Sharpie) marker

• 1 50 sheet box of Ilford Multigrade IV RC DELUXE paper in the Pearl surface (need by the 4th week of classes) OPEN ONLY IN THE DARK. You can get a 25 sheet box at first, though it will cost more in the long run.

• 4-6 11 x 14 archival mount boards

These photo supplies mau be purchased through the school or online at B&H Photo and Video or Freestyle Camera.

Optional supplies but encouraged: old hand towels and a combination lock. 9:00am – 10:50am Monday/Wednesday 03/21/2023 – 05/11/2023 Tuition: $267 Sedate Hall 202

23/Q2 ACA 1515 102


Voice Lessons for OC Students & individual Voice Lessons for the Community.

Sessions begin 1/17 and end on 5/12, meeting time TBD. Times and dates will be determined by discussion with Voice Instructor, Dr. Juan Hernandez. Tuition for Voice Lessons: $25 for community members and $0 for OC Students 23/Q2 MUS 3160 101 Community 23/Q2 MUS 3160 201 Students


Professional Voice Artist, Kristian Eros, is excited to share his knowledge and passion in Voice Acting to help you develop your own career in this rapidly growing field. And even's virtual!! You can take the class from anywhere. Not sure what a voice actor does? They are the voices you hear on Commercials, Audio Books, Anime movies, Video Games, Informational and instructional videos. Employment Videos, and so much more. If you hear a voice, but do not see a person speaking, that is a voice actor. This fun and informative, interactive virtual course can show you how to get into this field as a fun hobby or a lucra-tive career. Classes are Saturdays from 2pm to 4pm CST. Students will need access to a Zoom connection with a good internet connection. (with Audio/ Video capabilities) Tuition : $75 Level I begins 2/18 to 3/25/2023. 23/Q2 ACA 1550 101 Level II begins 4/1 to 5/6/2023 23/Q2 ACA 1509 102 For more information give us a call at 432-335-6580 or Our Office hours January to May and August to December : 8:00 am to 5:30 PM Mon—Thurs & 8:00 am to 1:oo pm Friday

June & July : Office hours are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Mon– Thurs. Closed Fridays

To register contact Continuing Education at 432-335-6580